We have an angelic presence around us from the moment of our birth, each having an individual guardian angel who watches over us and ensures we have protection and support when ever we ask. We can also call on the protection and help of the arch angels when needed, you are always heard and your need is known, they react quickly and their presence is felt never letting you down.

We imagine angels as they are usually depicted having wings, although they emanate a light radiating from them which is pure love and the brightness makes it difficult to discern a true outline of them. I like to imagine their wings of light and love enfolding a person in need bringing peace and removing all fear.

If you would like an angel reading with me and are interested in connecting with your own guardian angel please let me know when booking your telephone reading with me.

Choose A Reading Package

20 Minutes = £30.00

33 Minutes = £45.00 (3 free mins)

45 Minutes = £60.00 (5 free mins)

67 Minutes = £90.00 (7 free mins)

Mobile; 044 781 4358076

UK Mobile; 0781 4358076