We have all gazed up at the stars contemplating the wonder of the universe, milky way, and more locally our own solar system, with the knowledge today that all the elements which make up our physical bodies were created in the heart of a star at it's death. So the stardust made us, the sun gives us life and warmth, and the planets in our solar system affect our daily lives as they move in their orbits around the sun. Their influence causing blocks or delays, challenges and opportunities all of which changing as their positions move in the heavens above.

I can calculate your natal chart with your location, date and time of birth which is as personal to you as your fingerprint, like the hub of a wheel the earth sits at the center, then the twelve houses separated by its spokes. By plotting the location of the planets in the houses and calculating your ascendant sign, a clear picture of your character and personality traits emerge and can show the qualities you posses and the challenges you face in this life.

The position of the planets in the solar system today against the static backdrop of the constellation zodiac signs, can reveal current challenges you face, restrictions and positive new phases you are entering. Astrology can give a clear indication of compatibility in relationships, showing the strengths and weaknesses and where problems may occur. Indicate opportunity for change in career or the time for promotion, and inspire progress towards your hearts desire. Spiritually give guidance as to your chosen life path through the gateway into this life, purpose for being on the earth plane in this incarnation and the exit.

If you would like an astrological reading with me about yourself or a compatibility reading regarding a relationship then please tell me when booking your telephone reading with me.

Choose A Reading Package

20 Minutes = £30.00

33 Minutes = £45.00 (3 free mins)

45 Minutes = £60.00 (5 free mins)

67 Minutes = £90.00 (7 free mins)

Mobile; 044 781 4358076

UK Mobile; 0781 4358076